

Summer internships can be a great way for a student to gauge their interest in potential careers and to develop job skills that will be useful regardless of what career path they eventually choose.  

It’s a common misconception to think that internships are only for college students. 虽然大多数大学生都至少做过一次实习,但这是事实, 最近,高中生实习越来越受欢迎, especially for students who plan to enter the workforce directly after graduating. 

“Some high schools are encouraging students to complete internships in their junior and senior years,” a 2022 来自U的文章.S. 新闻 & 世界报告说. “Once the purview of college students looking for an on-ramp to the job market, high school internships focus more on experience and learning than on obtaining full-time work, 教育专家说. They allow students to investigate fields of study and career options that are still years away.” 

和, 信不信由你, the time to start considering high school student internships for the summer can begin as early as September or October.  

可能, 有很多吸引人的学生实习机会,有面对面的,也有在线的, and finding an internship before a student has earned their high school diploma is easier than you might think, 特别是对于那些在连接学院支持的学校就读的学生.



搜索ing online for internships for high school students is a place to start. 求职网站,比如Indeed.com或Monster.com, students can search for “internship” plus any field that interests them and narrow the search to the location where they want to work. Or they can use a general search engine to search with the name of an organization they are interested in plus “internships.(参见下面的一些实习正规买球十大平台列表.)  

If your student is having trouble finding an internship that fits, they might have to get creative. Think about what kind of job they want or the skills they would like to improve, and then try looking around in the community for people and places that offer that kind of work. 如果你的学生对商业感兴趣, 例如, they may want to improve their soft skills like time management or verbal communication, 通过与当地企业家合作获得第一手经验. 

找实习的人可能想要列出他们的兴趣, 人才, 和激情, 无论是在学习内外, 比如电子游戏, 街头艺术, or building robots to help them narrow down the potential internships that could interest them. 

“发挥你的优势,”H&大学招生咨询公司C教育 告诉你.S. 新闻 & 世界报道. “Your internship should be an opportunity to explore things you are truly passionate about and can’t learn in school. 有一点创造力, you can always find a way to pursue impressive projects at the intersection of your 人才 和激情.”   

一旦学生列出了他们的兴趣和技能, 他们应该向大家庭伸出援手, 朋友, 老师, 和教练, 他们在社交媒体上的关系网... Ask whether anyone knows where to find high school student internships or if they would be open to a professional mentorship over the summer.  

They can also contact local businesses directly to inquire about internship opportunities by asking to speak to the owner or manager and describe what they are looking for. 

但在学生们开始要求实习之前, 他们首先需要准备好解释他们能提供什么.   


Students can prepare to land the summer internship that’s perfect for them by first crafting an “elevator pitch,简历, 面试技巧.


An elevator pitch is a short speech—typically for as long as it takes to ride an elevator, or around 30-second—that introduces who a student is and what they can offer a prospective employer skill-wise. It can be handy to have both a general introduction and one or more customized pitches for specific internships or types of work. 学生应该在面试前练习他们的陈述,以获得反馈. 


A 重新开始 is a summary of a person’s experience and qualifications that are relevant to the job they are applying for, 通常在一个页面上. 

一份基本的简历包括申请人的姓名和联系方式, 教育, 然后按时间倒序排列(最近的在前), 工作经验, 包括志愿者工作, 课外活动, 以及任何奖项或荣誉, 比如被列入荣誉名单.  



  • 穿着干净、朴素、职业化的服装. 

  • Bring two copies of their 重新开始 in case the interviewer doesn’t have one and so they can read along as they refer to it. 

  • 带本子和笔做笔记. 

  • 提前15分钟到达,关掉手机或调成静音. 

  • 对工作表现出积极的态度和热情. 

  • 把面试当成一次谈话——回答面试官的问题, 但也有一些自己准备的, such as additional details about the job duties and what projects or initiatives are currently or soon to be underway.  

  • 结束面试时,感谢面试官抽出时间面试.

An online student searching for where to find internships for high school students.


Here are some organizations that offer internships to high school students: 

  • 美国银行学生领袖计划 connects about 300 juniors and seniors with nonprofits in more than 100 communities. 

  • Chegg实习 lists opportunities in several major cities, including Atlanta, Austin, Boston, and Chicago. 

  • NASA高中实习 在马里兰州的NASA设施提供研究和体验式学习, 纽约, 维吉尼亚州, 和西弗吉尼亚州.   

  • 大都会高中实习计划 offers museum internships to students who live in or attend high school in 纽约, 新泽西, 和康涅狄格. 

  • BRAINYAC connects high school students in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx with Columbia University neuroscientists for research-based summer internships. 

  • 史密森学会实习 offers a variety of programs for high school students at various Smithsonian Institution museums in Washington, D.C. 

  • 美国国会图书馆 在华盛顿及其周边地区提供实习机会.C.,其中一些对高中生开放.  

  • 斯坦福压缩论坛暑期实习 offers high schoolers and community college students the opportunity to complete multidisciplinary research projects. 

  • 匹兹堡卡内基博物馆 它的四个博物馆是否向高中生开放了无薪实习机会. 

  • 纽约历史学会学生历史学家实习计划 allows high school students to conduct research and tell stories using the society’s vast resources. 

  • 立即行动联盟 of Illinois after-school programs has a database of high school internships and other youth job opportunities in the Chicago area.  

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